The APC team kicked off our Filipino roundtable on 1st February 2018 presenting to our members and guests from Jollibee Foundation and Alcantara Foundation on the workshops that were held just the day before with Ayala Foundation on education mapping for the Philippines. Borrowing from the model used in Indonesia for the Education Giving Guide, which was launched in December 2017, the research has been convening education sector experts in the country to discuss the top pressing issues in the sector. The final report is set to be released by May, and the next step is to look towards mobilising local actors on different issues and region for effective action and change.
The group also discussed about the possibility of starting a similar 1,000 Days Fund in the Philippines that will address the issue of stunting and malnutrition. This will borrow the model of the current fund in Indonesia, taking into account the different government infrastructure and systems.
There was a quick recap on the previous Manila roundtable, which members noted to be very enlightening due to the speakers’ depth of knowledge on terrorism in the region, and preventative and rehabilitative programmes for the affected communities.