The study will map the current ECD landscape in Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and China towards providing recommendations to improve outcomes in the region.
Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a challenge faced by many countries in Asia—with local priorities, challenges, and models varying across the region. Outcomes vary.
APC is coordinating a Regional ECD Research, which recently kicked off in March. The research will map the current ECD landscape for children aged 0-6 in Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and China. In particular, the research will examine parenting and early learning programmes and policies, identify common measurement tools to evaluate their effectiveness, and provide recommendations to improve outcomes in the region.
The study will focus on the World Bank’s 25 Key Interventions essential to child growth and development, as well as on 5 Key Intervention areas: nutrition, health, water and sanitation, education, and social protection.
The research is conducted and led by the Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI) in collaboration with the Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (CHILD), Yayasan Bakti Barito, Yayasan Ishk Tolaram, Li Foundation, Nomura, Quantedge Advancement Initiative, Tanoto Foundation, and Universitas Muria Kudus.