BY RUNCHEN HUANG As the world reopens this borders this year, we were finally able to host our first overseas venn in three years! For venn2022, we headed over the causeway to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Earlier (as far back as 2020), we had plans for an island getaway to Pangkor Laut, the family estate of APC member Kathleen Chew; however, a trip to KL in May 2022 and seeing impressive operations by different organisations on the ground changed our minds, as we thought members would learn far more seeing things up close than from a video screen. In November, we…
Notes from the Region: APC visits Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia
As travel roars back to life in the first half of 2022, APC catches up with members from and working in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. BY NATALIE KENNEDY AND STACEY CHOE Travel has roared back to life in 2022—this means that APC was able to (finally!) catch up with our members around the region—meeting our members in Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia in person after a long time, and catch up on what everyone is working on. Vietnam APC’s first stop, as travel restrictions began to ease, was Vietnam. We caught up with members, friends, and partners—and met with new stakeholders…
Supporting the Third Sector in Malaysia
What concrete actions can philanthropists, funders, and organisations take to support Malaysia’s nascent sector of non-profit and voluntary organisations? BY XIANG MIN LIM Malaysia’s Third Sector, which comprises non-profit organisations, voluntary organisations and social enterprises, is a nascent sector with 20% of over 80,000 registered organisations being less than ten years old. The sector faces unique challenges—from fragmentation to a lack of sector capacity and structural support overall. APC organised a roundtable on 27 January 2022—the final in a series exploring the theme of capacity building—to further examine concrete ways for philanthropists, organisations, and funders to help strengthen the Third…
Global School Leaders: Pemimpin
School leadership is the critical factor for the success of any school and for changes to be effective. APC’s pilot programme was launched in Malaysia (2018) as part of Global School Leaders (GSL), and in 2019, the Indonesia Principals’ Academy, also known as INSPIRASI, was established in the wake of Pemimpin’s success.
Malaysia Community Development Pilot Programme
A holistic education, nutrition, and health pilot programme for refugees, asylum-seekers, and disadvantaged members of host communities in Malaysia. This pilot aims to provide durable solutions to improve prospects for livelihood, repatriation, and integration towards a better life.