by Yeo Qin-Liang
On 21 May, APC hosted students of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)’s Family Office Diploma Programme, who are next-gen’s learning how to best utilise their family assets and approach philanthropy.
APC and CEIBS kicked-off the afternoon with an insightful panel discussion on family philanthropy in Asia at the Lien Villa with three distinguished speakers. Mr Mahboob Mahmood, CEO of Knowledge Platform and former Adjunct Professor of Family Enterprise at INSEAD, gave an overview of family philanthropy in Asia. Mr David Chong, Founder and President of Portcullis Group, offered a more technical perspective on how to set up a family office. Finally, Mr Laurence Lien, Chairman of Lien Foundation, spoke about how families could get started with philanthropy.
CEIBS students delved into discussion with each of the speakers. Challenges faced by family foundations, domicile for trusts and division of responsibilities among siblings – these were just some of the questions that CEIBS students had posed to the panelists.
Following the panel discussion, CEIBS students and faculty members joined our APC members as well as the guest speakers for dinner at Halia at UNESCO Heritage Site, Singapore Botanic Gardens. Through their speeches and conversations over dinner, our APC members shared more about their personal experience in philanthropic giving with the students.
Our APC member highlighted that China’s second generation has a strong interest in investments, global asset allocation and philanthropy. There is an opportunity to increase the engagement with the next-generation in China to foster collaboration and facilitate strategic giving.