Growing new arms, building new bridges

BY LAURENCE LIENCHAIRMAN, ASIA PHILANTHROPY CIRCLE I am always asked how Asian philanthropy is different from Western philanthropy. Now, I finally have an answer to hand out! At APC, we recently published a piece called ‘Observations on the Essence of Asia Philanthropy’. It has only 10 short points; so do read it and tell me what you think. These points are distilled from nearly 16 years of full-time philanthropy sector experience! Some of the points we make are around Asian giving being rooted in deep cultural values and beliefs, and believing in identity-based giving. Many in Asia are influenced by…

Music is the space between the notes

BY CAROL TANDEPUTY CEO, ASIA PHILANTHROPY CIRCLE Amidst the fever-pitch excitement and breakneck schedules at COP28, I found myself reflecting on the emerging—and much needed—voice of Asia on the green development challenge before us. Across Asia, learning loss from the pandemic is stark reality. As is the hopelessness that refugees and migrants often face, or the calamitous effects of climate change that frontline communities face. Against the backdrop of on-going wars in Ukraine and Gaza, it is also clear that social and environmental well-being are necessary ingredients for peace and vice-versa. But I also find myself asking: what is Asia’s…

Which way to a flourishing future?

BY LAURENCE LIENCO-FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN, ASIA PHILANTHROPY CIRCLE APC is evolving to contribute much more to the development of the philanthropy ecosystem, with our members as anchor and base. When we started APC eight years ago, our focus was on growing our membership, convening them so that we can learn from and inspire one another, and catalysing collaborative action. Our excellent team at APC has achieved a strong foundation for this. Part of our intent was also to contribute to thought leadership and ecosystem-building. This has taken a while longer to grow, and I think we are seeing a bumper…